Why the Moonjar?

It was a simple decision, really.  The Dunn Foundation chose the Moonjar as a summer project for St. Peter's students because it encapsulates and teaches - in a way kids can understand - crucial money management skills.

The Dunn Foundation Moonjar is an exciting tool meant to teach kids about money and the ideas of Saving, Spending and Sharing. Like reading, writing and arithmetic, teaching children about money and saving is an important and valuable life-skill lesson, which the Dunn Foundation wants to promote at St. Peter’s, starting in kindergarten and running through sixth grade.

Dunn Foundation Moonjars encourage kids to envision their dreams and creatively bring them to life. Dunn Foundation Moonjars offer a visual and tactile beginning for children to understand how to use money and build a strong financial foundation to reach their goals.

Three moneyboxes, one each for Saving, Spending and Sharing act as a teaching tool that connect wish-upon-a-star hopes with conscientious decision making and financial objectives. Dunn Foundation Moonjars will also inspire positive family communication, responsibility and commitment to the larger community. We will also discuss the importance of donating time and talent as pieces of building strong individuals and communities.