Monday, July 25, 2011

Ideas that Encourage Saving

Below is a great article we found on  It was written by Madison DuPaix.  You can see the original article here, but we've copied the high points below.  She offers some really great ideas for encouraging saving and helping parents talk to their kids in ways they will understand.

Match Savings
For every dollar your child saves, offer to put in a matching contribution.  When they are little, you might be able to match 100%.  Once they are older 25% or 50% might be reasonable to encourage them to save.

Open a Savings Account
Encourage him to deposit a portion of money he earns into a savings account and track the interest earned on his account.

Encourage Them to Set Goals
If they want to purchase an expensive toy, hang up a drawing of an empty thermometer. As they save their money, color in the thermometer. They'll be able to track their progress visually.

Give Non-monetary Savings Rewards
Young children may not understand that $10 tomorrow is better than $5 today. Consider rewarding children with things special to them for saving their money: stickers, toys, and special outings can be helpful.

Make a Wish List
Encourage children to identify fun things to spend their money on. For older children, prioritizing the list can be a helpful challenge.

Display a Picture
Hang a picture of a wanted item off their wish list on the wall. If your child is saving for a special purchase, hang up a picture to remind them of what they are working towards.

Save Money in Front of Your Children
Keep your own piggy bank or deposit money in the bank when you are with your children. Explain what you are saving for and your children will mimic your behavior.

Help Them Spend Money
Occasionally, children will get so focused on saving their money, that they won't spend any money along the way. Help them enjoy their money by spending some on small purchases or surprising them by buying something they'd like.

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